Reformation Resources

Reformation Day is Coming Up

It’s October 15 which means we’re just 16 days away from the 503rd Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation! On that day of October 31, 1517, a German Monk named Martin Luther nailed a document calling for reform in the Catholic Church to the door of the local church in Wittenburg. What followed was a movement that has changed both the church and the world to this day! Not only this, but this movement -which rediscovered the authority of Scripture as the only sole and infallible rule of the church, the glory of God as the goal of all things, and the centrality of the gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone - has shaped our local church to be what it is today. The story of the Reformation is important to us because it’s a story that helps us better understand ourselves as it points us to the shoulders of the gospel-centered saints of old that we still stand upon today.

Here Are Some Helpful Reformation Resources

Below you will find a selection of resources that will immerse you in the story of the Reformation as you read, watch, and listen to the events which have shaped our church and the world around us.

Books & Blogs - Read the Reformation

Reading the Reformation: Top 5 Books - Scholars recommend their go-to book for Reformation history. Of the titles on the list, we highly recommend Michael Reeves, “The Unquenchable Flame.”

Documentary - Watch the Reformation

Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer - Available for free in its entirety for a limited time only. “Watch this documentary to discover the events God used in Martin Luther’s life that led him to rediscover the gospel of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.“

Podcast - Listen to the Reformation

Luther: In Real Time - From the Ligonier webpage, “It’s 1520. Martin Luther has been declared a heretic by Pope Leo X, and his books are being burned. How much longer before Luther himself is thrown into the fire? Enter the dramatic story at the dawn of the Reformation. Each episode is released 500 years to the day after the events described, allowing you to walk in Luther’s footsteps from his heresy charges to his famous stand for God’s Word. Hear, in Luther’s own words, what Protestants are protesting and why it still matters today.” Available wherever you listen to podcasts.

We hope this list makes you grateful to God for his work in the past and also encourages you to keep the spirit of the Reformation alive as we seek to always be reforming our church and our lives according to God’s Word. Semper Reformanda!

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