Our 3rd Anniversary is Coming Up!


By God’s grace and for God’s glory, Sovereign Grace Santa Ana is turning THREE years old! Because it would be inappropriate to respond to such grace without a celebration, we’re of course throwing our annual party!

Things Will Look a Little Different This Year

This year we will be celebrating at the Houlton Home at 4:00pm! We will still be serving tacos and we will still be playing kickball!

A Few Important Details

  1. Make sure to wear or bring some sort of active clothing! There will be activities for the kiddos, including a piñata! Invite your friends and neighbors.

  2. The party will take place outside. Masks will not be required unless social distancing is not possible. Hand sanitizer will be readily available. Food will be served by a gloved team.

  3. Bring a picnic blanket or chairs for your family! We will have limited seating available.

We Can’t Wait To Celebrate With You!

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