Picnic in the Promenade this Sunday


Oftentimes on Sundays, once we’re dismissed from the service, our time together has only just begun. We have a church full of people who love one another and love their neighbors. We want to provide ample outlets for that love.

This upcoming Sunday, we’ll all head over to the 2nd Street Promenade immediately after church to have lunch amongst our neighbors. Here are the details:

  • It’s “BYOL” (bring your own lunch). If you forget your lunch or your favorite Spiderman lunchbox isn’t clean, there are plenty of great restaurants right there. If possible, please make every effort to exercise frugality and bring a lunch from home.

  • It’s optional - but we highly encourage coming!

  • Bring some folding chairs - unless you like sitting on bricks, bring something to sit on; a blanket at least.

  • Expect the Lord to build existing relationships and create new ones with our neighbors

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