October First Friday Fast & Small Groups


This year, we'll be spending the first Friday of every month fasting together and praying for a particular topic. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions. 

This month, we’ll be praying for leaders in the church:

  • Pray for God to protect and preserve the leaders in our church - that their example of holiness might be a godly one before the members of the church and that they would remain above reproach

  • Pray that God would raise up new leaders from within our church with gifts of teaching, counseling, leadership, administration and others

  • Pray that God would give leaders in the church an enduring vision for our church and faith in the Lord alone for that vision

  • Pray that God would save men and women from our neighborhood who will one day be established as leaders in numerous different capacities

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