Do Justice - Motivated By Grace

Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly With Your God

Last Sunday, in our third message in the book of Micah, we came across the Bible’s most famous passage regarding “social justice” - Micah 6:8. This verse is used as the basis for service projects, feedings ministries and short-term missions trips around the globe. But it’s important to understand why Micah said these words to the nation of Judah. In Micah chapters 6-7, we discover that in order to have the right motivation to serve the lowly among us, we have to recognize and acknowledge our spiritual lowness; our moral poverty. That realization positions us not as “Saviors” to our neighbors, but humbles us to know that we’re as needy as anybody for God’s grace. Furthermore, when we’ve received God’s grace for our moral poverty, we’re able to do social justice in a way that addresses the needs of the whole person - both physical and spiritual needs.

Listen to last week’s message

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