The Message That's Despised, Yet Defines

The Word of the Cross Is Foolish, Weak and For Those Who Are Nothing Special

This past Sunday, our very own Jeff Schlieder stood behind the pulpit and preached the “Word of the Cross” from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. He reminded us that the Word of the cross that defines us as Christians is despised by an unbelieving world. And it makes sense why: because it appears foolish, it appears to center on a weak person and is meant for people who are unremarkable in every way.

The Word of the Cross, However, Is God’s Supreme Demonstration of Wisdom and Power

Yet, the Word of the cross is where God’s wisdom is displayed most clearly, His power is shown most poignantly and where insignificant sinners find identity, belonging and worth. If you haven’t yet, sit down with a pen and a journal and listen to the message. it will be worth you time.

Listen to the sermon here.

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