Posts in Books of the Bible
Read Through Ruth - Again!

Read Through The Story Without Verse Or Chapter Breaks Here

It might be hard to believe, but we're already halfway through the short book of Ruth. Called "The classic love story of the Bible" and "one of the greatest short stories ever written". Whatever else it might be called, if nothing else, it's a book that is thoroughly permeated with God's hidden hand of mercy, reminding us of His constant redemptive activity in the lives of those who belong to Him. Over the next couple weeks, take 30 minutes and sit down with this book at least one more time. Reacquaint yourself with the characters. Reacquaint yourself with God's mercy. 

Read Through Ruth

We Begin A New Sermon Series In Ruth In Two Weeks

Ruth is a great story. There are only a few characters. The main character is barely mentioned, but He's always working. It's a story that reminds us to be aware of that same character's constant and redemptive work in our own lives today. We'll spend 6 short week in the book of Ruth, but they'll be a rich 6 weeks.

To prepare for the series, read through this short book once or twice. 

We've even created a page on the website with the entire book written out without verse divisions or translator headings. Become acquainted with this book. It will be worth your time. 

Preaching Through Colossians


Beginning on the second Sunday in January, we'll be embarking on our first preaching series through a book of the Bible. It will be an expository series through the book of Colossians. This is a book about Jesus, the new life given through Him and the shape this new life takes in the local church. 

You can do several things to prepare for this series. You can pray that God would use His preached Word to build Sovereign Grace Santa Ana. You can invite your friends and neighbors to join us in this series. Finally, you can begin reading the book of Colossians yourself and even study up with some resources.