We're Singing a New Song This Sunday


This Sunday we’ll begin our worship of the King of Ages with a song that’s been sung throughout the ages. Originally penned in 1851, this song lifts our gaze to “the Lamb upon his throne,” whom we crown with praise as the Lord of life, Lord of lords, and wonderful Lord of love. Give the song a listen here, meditate upon the lyrics below, and marvel at the majesty of Christ. Can’t wait to sing together this Sunday!


Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne

Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own

Awake, my soul and sing of Him who died for thee

And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity


Crown Him the Lord of life who triumphed o’er the grave

And rose victorious to the strife for those He came to save

His glories now we sing, Who died and rose on high

Who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die


Crown Him the Lord of Lords, Who over all doth reign

Who once on earth, the incarnate Word for ransomed sinners slain

Now lives in realms of light where saints with angels sing

Their songs before Him day and night, their God, Redeemer, King


Crown Him the Lord of heaven, enthroned in worlds above

Crown Him the King to whom is given, the wondrous name of Love

Crown Him with many crowns as thrones before Him fall

Crown Him, ye kings with many crowns for He is King of all

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