Welcome the Williams


This past Sunday we had the privilege of welcoming 3 new members into our church: Jennifer, Jake and Meghan Williams who recently moved to California from Louisville, Kentucky. We had the added privilege of hearing from Jennifer, who was a previous member in 2018 prior to relocating back to Kentucky, share her testimony of what brought them to Cross of Grace Santa Ana. Read the testimony to be reminded of how God is building his Church in our city:

Long story short I came here in 2018. I had been jogging in Louisville, for years and for some time I was being harassed on my runs. It was a Sunday that I came in from a run and told my son Jake (he and Meghan his wife and my first grandson Ellis had been living with me and were going to be moving) I am moving to California. It kinda shocked me, but I was sure, when I looked online to see what Sovereign Grace Churches there were in Orange County, Kyle popped up immediately talking about the church in Santa Ana. Then I went to church and we prayed for the church in Santa Ana that morning. I was so thankful to the Lord and I moved.

When I got to the first community group at the Houlton’s apartment, I was moved to tears and so encouraged as I saw an overwhelming joy amidst the stories of struggle and trials in the lives of those present. I saw the kind of joy you read about in the book of Philippians in the life of this sweet church. The joy that expresses itself through humility of mind, active participation in what God is doing in and through his people, and spurring one another on to glorify the Lord by taking thoughts captive, holding each other up in prayer, and intentionally growing as disciples together. As I look around the church today I can see so many people who have encouraged me and I love watching each of you love Jesus.

Fast forward to Meghan and Jake having more kids, and I moved backed to Kentucky to be a Nana close to them. Fast forward to Meghan and Jake really loving the church here and, as they visited over and over, just wanted to be a part of God’s work through you in Santa Ana. They surprised me a year ago with a sweet gift box with all things California in it and a letter board that said, “ We are moving to California in April 2023.” I was so excited! It’s because of Jesus that we are here, He is faithful, and so kind to let us be a part of the wonderful community here and to share the love and hope of Jesus to Santa Ana and beyond. So thankful for this church, her shepherds, and the city in which we are placed.

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