September Global Missions Prayer Requests


From Sovereign Grace Churches Director of Global Missions, Dave Taylor:

In 1 Peter 3.18a, we read:

‘For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God.’

As Peter pens those words we find ourselves on holy ground, as our attention is once again drawn to a Hill called Calvary, and to the wondrous cross upon which the Prince of Glory died. For through the substitutionary death of Jesus, who suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, we have now been brought back to God.

It’s a breathtaking and stunning reality. The penalty of our sin has been paid for, the sacrifice of our substitute was sufficient and through Him, we have now been brought near. And so knowing that and in awe of that, here’s how you can be praying to the One who is near in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for Jeremy Hetrick and his team as they plant Redeeming Grace Church, Mechanicsburg, PA, asking God to provide for all their needs, and to bless their services as they begin to gather this month.

  2. Please pray for our new 2023-2024 US Pastors College students and their families from 3 different nations who have recently moved to Louisville, with classes having started at the end of August. Please ask God to provide for all their needs and to give them the grace to grow over the next year while at the PC.

  3. Please pray for Pat Tedeschi and Greentree’s Muslim Outreach Team as they head over to London, UK, September 8th-18th. For many years Greentree has been partnering with a church plant to the Muslim community in London, where the majority of the church members are former Muslims. Please pray for this team as they join with the church members in doing evangelism, help to lead the church services, and encourage the new believers in the church.

  4. Please pray for the Philippines Pastor’s Institute that launches this month in Madrid, Mindanao. Please pray for the 20 students, that they may be equipped as future leaders, pastors, and church planters for the Mindanao region.

  5. Please pray for Joselo Mercado as he heads over to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, to serve at their annual SGC Bolivia Conference. Please pray that this is a wonderful time for both pastors and members, alike.

  6. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan who have been affected by the recent rioting. There were about 20-25 churches that were looted and burned as well as many homes of Christian families. One of those looted and destroyed churches is pastored by a man who is with the group that we have the privilege of partnering with in Pakistan. So please pray, that God would meet them in this time of great affliction and sorrow.

    … Once we were far off, but now we have been brought near. What a staggering reality that is.

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