Prepare for the Mark Sermon Series


As we begin this new sermon series in the magnificent Gospel of Mark, we want to help you to follow along. That’s why we’ve given each of you a journal. If you don’t have one yet, ask one of the ushers this Sunday for a copy. This is a book that you can and should bring along with you every single Sunday for the next 9 months or so. Why? Because it’s a Bible/journal, with passages from the book of Mark on every left-hand side of the page and lines for taking sermon notes on every right-hand side of the page. Note taking during sermons helps you to retain what you’re hearing, to listen more attentively and to capture key quotes and phrases that you can then go back and reflect on. It’s a great training tool for kids who are aging out of children’s ministry. It helps them to learn how to listen and what to listen for during sermons. Make this book a priority every Sunday and enjoy filling your heart and mind - and journal - with the truth of God’s Word from the book of Mark.

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