Pray for the Worship Matters Intensive


We advance our mission as a church as we make and mature disciples to the glory of God. This happens as we preach, proclaim, share, celebrate, and yes, even, sing the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this reason, our very own, Fernando Madrigal is going away for a 5-day intensive in Louisville, KY with Bob Kauflin and other worship leaders in Sovereign Grace Churches to grow in spurring on the singing of our church. Being built up in order to come back and build us up as the word of Christ dwells all the more richly among us through "singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God" (Col 3:16). The intensive is based on Bob’s book, Worship Matters, and it is an intentional context where pastors and leaders of worship in song can cultivate strong and clear theological categories for worship, have the opportunity for hands-on practice and feedback, and benefit from interaction and relationships with other leaders from diverse contexts.

Would you pray for Fernando and the entire Worship Matters Intensive group in the following ways:

  • That they would be refreshed in the joy of their salvation and lead others to sing out of their own satisfaction in Christ

  • That they would be equipped theologically and musically and grow in their capacities as leaders in their congregations

  • That they would enjoy the goodness of our partnership together in Sovereign Grace Churches and be reminded that we’re not on mission alone

  • That they would have rich times of fellowship and ministry to one another

  • That the Lord would bless, sustain, and cause Fernando, Liz, and the entire Madrigal family to know his pleasure as they make this sacrifice and invest in the good of our church

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