Pray for Jason's Exams

Since November 2022, Jason has been serving as a Pastoral Resident at our church. Throughout the past few years, Jason has been engaged in a process to discover if God has called him and to equip him to become a pastor at Cross of Grace Santa Ana.

The process has been long and difficult, but the Lord has given him grace along the way and proven him in his gifting. After multiple academic steps, thousands of pages of books read, an internship and a residency, he’s now taking his first two of four formal ordination exams this Saturday.


Jason will taking a comprehensive Bible knowledge exam and a written exam pertaining to our theological distinctives. If he passes, he’ll proceed on to one more written exam and an oral exam later this year, followed by the approval of his ordination by the Regional Assembly of Elders and the formal ordination of Jason by the local church - Cross of Grace Church of Santa Ana. First things first, though. Let’s pray for him as he prepares for this Saturday:

  • Pray for peace and clarity for Jason as he takes this exam

  • Pray for Kayleigh and the kids as they come alongside Jason to help him prepare and serve.

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