New Song This Sunday


Christ himself is our song. When we consider who he is and what he’s done it causes our souls to sing. This Sunday, in addition to bringing back some familiar songs we haven’t sung in a while, we’ll be singing a new song as we raise our voices to the Risen Christ. Take a few minutes to listen to the song here and read through the lyrics below so that you’re ready to sing with us.

Verse 1
Christ exalted is our song
Our anthem through eternity
Praises rise and wake the dawn
Heralding His majesty
Christ without a rival reigns
Over all creation
Name above all other names
Enthroned in adoration

Verse 2
Christ exalted is our song
The Sovereign over everything
Left His glorious throne beyond
Stepped into our suffering
Hands that shaped the heaven’s frame
Reached to heal the leper
Mighty God in meekness came
To lead us like a shepherd

Verse 3
Christ exalted is our song
The Man of Sorrows mocked and tried
Bore the judgment for our wrongs
For our sins was crucified
Hear the love in His refrain
‘Father please forgive them’
As He bears the bitter weight
Of guilt and condemnation

Verse 4
Christ exalted is our song
Buried but in vict’ry raised
The keys of death and life belong
To the Firstborn from the grave
Glory, glory to the King!
Crowned with countless praises
Christ exalted we will sing
Throughout unending ages!

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