March Evangelism Testimonies


On Saturday, March 11th, 10 members of Cross of Grace partnered with 6 local churches in our city, over 200 volunteers, and the team from the Evangelism Explosion organization for a day of equipping & outreach. We all learned a very simple & effective gospel presentation (known as the Hand Outline) and were equipped with some helpful lead-off questions to move a conversation onto spiritual matters.

During the outreach portion of the day, 35 teams were sent out into our city, 186 conversations were had, the gospel was shared in English & Spanish, and nearly 40 people professed faith in Jesus Christ - praise God! The gospel is God's power to save and God is faithful to save.

 This past Sunday, we heard from Claire Erkelens & Jim Cunningham, regarding their experience at the event.

Claire candidly explained that while she wasn’t thrilled about sitting through the training session, the Lord moved her heart during the outreach portion of the event. She was impacted when she saw a man break down in tears before her eyes after hearing the gospel proclaimed.

Jim, on the other hand, felt like the training was very helpful, and the hand outline was a great tool that all can benefit from, whether you attended the training or not. He shared the Hand Outline with the congregation as follows: Thumb=Grace, Index Finger=Man, Great Finger=God, Ring Finger=Christ, Little Finger=Faith. With this simple presentation, we have an outline of the gospel message to guide us in conversations with our neighbors.

He also went out into the city during the outreach portion of the event, and was moved by the Holy Spirit directing his team to a particular laundromat, where a personal invitation to church was given to someone who had been apprehensive about attending church.

It was a great day partnering together with the gathered church in Santa Ana. Would the Lord continue to advance his kingdom in our city!

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