Neighborhood Outreach Saturday Morning


“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news” (Romans 10:15).

This Saturday, we’re going into our French Park neighborhood and DTSA to have spiritual conversations with our neighbors. We’ll take the initiative to get to know them, ask how we can pray for them, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Love to do this sort of thing? Come on down! Scared to do this kind of thing? Then come on down as well! We’re expecting that the Lord will use us to extend his welcome to our neighbors as he takes our very ordinary efforts and blesses them in extraordinary ways. You’re invited to grow more confident in striking up spiritual conversations, learn from your brothers and sisters as you watch them reaching out, and see God “paint our city blue,” one blade of grass at a time.

We’ll meet at the Ebell parking lot at 9:45am to pray before we go out. We’ll wrap up around noon at Hidden House for a quick debrief.

Please reach out to Robert Lopez if you have any questions.

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