Holy Week Resources


Below you will find a selection of resources that will immerse you in the last week of Jesus’ earthly life culminating in his death and resurrection. Take some time this weekend and the week leading up to Easter Sunday, to read, watch, and reflect on the Risen Savior.


  • Why You Should Reflect On The Final Days Of Jesus by Andreas J. Köstenberger - This is a short article about why you should reflect on the final days of Jesus at this time of year—and any other time for that matter!

  • Easter Week in Real Time by Russ Ramsey - This is a day-by-day breakdown of what Scripture tells us happened on each day. Use this guide to lead you through Scripture reading this week.


  • The Final Days of Jesus by TGC - This is an online course. Each day will include a video, Scripture reading, and reflection leading up to Easter Sunday. A concluding section will recap the week and give the learner time to consider other applications of Christ’s death and resurrection.

We hope this list helps you to reflect on Christ’s death and resurrection.

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