2023 Pastors and Wives Conference Next Week - Ways to Pray


Every year our family of churches enjoys a family reunion. A time when pastors, wives, and members of Sovereign Grace Churches come together for a week of worship, fellowship, and encouragement in our shared mission. This year there are 700+ registrants from 22 different nations attending our annual gathering in Orlando. It’s sure to be a sweet time away!

As a pastoral team we say thank you for sending us! This conference is one of the highlights of our year - and this time, there are ten of us going! The Houltons, Schlieders, and Roenickes, as well as the Cunninghams and Lopezs have registered to attend. It’s a joy to attend and always makes us eager to come back and serve the church. In addition to sending us, we also ask that you please pray for us while we’re here. Throughout the week, you can pray that:

  • The Lord would refresh our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Pray that we would be brought so close to the fire of the cross that the sparks would fall on our hearts and set our affections aflame for Christ.

  • The Lord would use this time to equip us to serve our church well. We’re being sent by the members of our church for the members of our church. Pray that we’d come back better leaders than when we left.

  • The Lord would build existing and establish new relationships among pastors and members of Sovereign Grace Churches across the globe.

  • The Lord would give us moments of clarity about our local mission. Pray for the Lord to fill us with His Spirit to give us a greater longing to spread the joy of Jesus to our neighbors.

  • The Lord would be with Jason as our Western Region votes to affirm his ordination to pastoral ministry. This is the final step in his long journey of being assessed and equipped to be a pastor at Cross of Grace. Pray his call to ministry would once again be affirmed and that we’d return with good news of a coming ordination service!

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