Sanctity of Life Sunday Recap


This past Sunday, our church observed Sanctity of Life Sunday. A day that President Reagan established in January of 1984 - corresponding to the date that Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 - to memorialize and commemorate the countless unborn lives that have been lost to abortion in our nation - a number that, since 1973, exceeds 62 million. All these years later, even with Roe now overturned, this issue still matters and there’s still much work to be done in the cause of protecting life.

But ultimately, the reason we mark this date is not merely political, it’s theological. It’s because we believe that every human being, from conception to death, is an image bearer of God, deserving of dignity and the equal protection of the laws of the land, and a neighbor that we’ve been called to love. We don’t proclaim the sanctity of all human life because the president issued a proclamation in the 80’s, but because God has issued a proclamation in his holy word (see Gen 1:26-27, 5:1-2, 9:1-7; Ps 139:13-16). God’s own proclamation of the inherent dignity and value of all human life is summed up in our Statement of Faith, section 4, paragraph 2, “Man’s Creation in God’s Image”:

God created man, male and female, in his own image as the crown of creation and the object of his special care. God directly created Adam from the dust of the earth, and Eve from Adam’s side, as the parents of the entire human race. They were created to know and glorify their Maker by trusting in his goodness and obeying his word. God gave them dominion over all creation, to fill, subdue, and steward the earth as his representatives. All human beings are likewise made in the image of God. Despite the effects of the fall on sinful humanity, all people remain God’s image bearers, capable of fellowship with him and possessing intrinsic dignity and value at every stage of life from conception to death. Redemption in Christ progressively restores fallen men and women to their true humanity as they are conformed to the image of Christ.


As image-bearers of God who have been remade in the image of Christ, we have a calling from God to promote and protect the sanctity of all human life. We encourage you to join us in the following ways:

  • Praying that God would:

    • Protect the unborn in our country by changing the hearts of men and women participating in abortions, changing unjust laws that promote abortion, & passing legislation which protects the right to life

    • Pour out his mercy and grace upon those who have participated in abortions and provide them with his forgiveness in Christ

    • Provide his people with a zeal to proclaim the the intrinsic dignity and value of every person at every stage of life

  • Learning more about Sanctity of Life Sunday.

  • Getting involved with our local crisis pregnancy center, Living Well Pregnancy Centers. At the table this past Sunday, Angie shared 2 immediate ways we could get involved:

    • Baby Bottle Drive: If you took a baby bottle home, ask your friends and family to help you fill up the bottle with coins, cash or checks and return the filled bottles to church on Sunday, February 18, 2024.

    • Walk for Life Fundraiser: Join our team and raise money as we walk for life on Saturday, March 2, 2024. If you’d like to join our team, contact us here.

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