Houlton Sabbatical Update
Pastor Kyle is halfway through his 6-week sabbatical and we wanted to provide you with an update on how it’s going. For those who are unaware of this or who could do with a reminder, from May 23-July 3, Pastor Kyle has been relieved of all church responsibilities. After 6 fast-paced years of church planting and bi-vocational ministry, the pastoral team has released him for this defined period of time for the purpose of rest with his family. Now, this is not rest from the mission of the church but rest for the mission of the church. To be renewed for the work of ministry and to seek the Lord for refined vision of where Christ is leading our church in the next 5-10 years.
And halfway through, we’re happy to report on what the Lord is doing in this time. Over the course of the past 3 weeks, Kyle has been:
Resting his body and soul and being refreshed by the Lord and his word.
Enjoying his time with his family and seeing to it they receive the attention that they need and deserve.
Reading theologically and delving into important topics of study in order to serve us.
Seeking the Lord in prayer for the sake of our church. After 5 years of existence as a church plant, Kyle is seeking the Lord for a refreshed sense of our mission as a church. Asking the Lord questions like, “Who are our neighbors?” “How are we called to reach them?” “In what ways could we be strategically and intentionally aiming to spread your joy in our city?” “What are ministry aims and initiatives that will be implemented in the next 5-10 years?” “Lord, where are you taking us? How are you building us? What does the next season of church life look like as we prayerfully aim to be the next 100 year church in Santa Ana?”
We’re glad to inform you that the Lord is meeting the Houltons for their good and his glory, and as he does so he’s working good for us as well. Please continue to pray that God would refresh them and grant Kyle renewed strength and vision for ministry. If you have questions about the principle of sabbath or about our practice of pastoral sabbaticals, contact Pastor Jeff.