Houlton Sabbatical


It was announced this past Sunday that pastor Kyle Houlton and his family will be taking a 6 week sabbatical this summer from May 22-July 3. Here are three points to help you understand what that means:

  1. This is a good thing - Nothing is wrong. No bad thing has happened. Quite the opposite. We believe that God has prioritized rest among His people (the principle of Sabbath) for the sake of admitting we are limited and need a strength outside of ourselves. After 6 years of church planting work in Santa Ana and 11 years in ministry, this 6 week break represents a healthy pattern of rest. In fact, as we dream of Cross of Grace Santa Ana being “the next 100 year church” in our city, we are ambitious that each leader in the church take this kind of rest every 7-8 years.

  2. This is for the church - While during that 6 week time period, the Houlton family will be taking a two week vacation and will be relieved from regular weekly church responsibilities, this sabbatical isn’t only for the sake of R&R. Kyle will spend much of the time reading on selected topics, praying specifically, and seeking the Lord’s will for the next several years of our church. After nearly 5 years of our church’s existence, Kyle will be asking the Lord, “where should our church be going, who have you positioned us to reach, how can we further glorify Christ in our midst?”.

  3. This is something that requires your prayer - Suffice it to say, we’re hoping that a lot is accomplished through this sabbatical. We’re hoping the Houlton family returns to serving refreshed and rejuvenated for another decade of ministry. We’re hoping that Kyle is equipped and envisioned to lead our church alongside Jeff as they follow Jesus’ - the Chief Shepherd’s - leadership. In order for this to happen, your prayer is essential. Would you pray for the effectiveness of this sabbatical for the good of our church and for the glory of God?

If you have questions about the particulars, please feel free to talk with the pastoral team. Otherwise, more details will be shared at the upcoming May 22 members meeting.

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