Why Is Good Friday “Good?”


Today, we remember that Jesus was crucified.

In the most egregious miscarriage of human justice ever committed, the only truly innocent man was condemned. In the height of cosmic rebellion, man and the Evil One conspired together to most defiantly reject their Maker.

Yet we call it “good,” because in and through the greatest act of evil, God worked our eternal good. Because on that first Good Friday, “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Cor 15:3). And apart from what happened on that Friday, there’d be no good news for us to celebrate Easter Sunday. Because Jesus died a death without which we could never enter new life.

Dying for us, as our Substitute. He bore the penalty of our sin in our place and on our behalf. He satisfied the righteous demands of God’s law. His blood washed away the very sins that separated us from God.

As our Representative, his death for sin meant our death to sin. We died with him so that God could do away with our old selves and raise us up as new creations.

So we call today “good” because death secured the hope of life. Because our condemnation was taken and Christ’s righteousness was given. Because crucifixion brought an end to the old for resurrection to usher in the new. Because Friday’s suffering paved the way to Sunday’s glory.

Would our hearts rest in the goodness of Good Friday to the glory of our Savior.


Listen to The Father's Cup: A Crucifixion Narrative by Sovereign Grace pastor, Rick Gamache & read “Why Is Good Friday Good?” by Jon Lee.

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