Welcome Emily Jones


About six months ago, a young lady from Sovereign Grace Church in Dayton, Ohio named Emily came to visit our church and our city for a week. She believed that the Lord was ultimately calling her to serve in the Spanish-speaking context of Spain. In order to prepare, she was considering moving to Santa Ana and joining Cross of Grace Santa Ana. The Lord since then has confirmed that calling in her heart. She arrived here on Tuesday and will be staying, Lord willing, for several years to serve in our city alongside us. It’s our joy to welcome Emily and walk alongside her in this season of her life. Would you pray for her in the following ways:

  • Pray for employment and housing - she’s currently staying with the Madrigals (Thank you for your generous hospitality, Madrigals!), but is actively looking for a more permanent place to stay and a stable job.

  • Pray that the Lord grows our ministry together by adding even more labors, like Emily, and the new members we welcomed last week, to the harvest

  • Pray that the joy of Jesus would be spread locally within our city, but also across the globe as we equip and send people like Emily and another missionary couple in our church to further plant and strengthen local churches.

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