January Book of the Month


There are so many good books and so little time. There are also plenty of books not worth reading. The pastoral team aims to provide you with a monthly recommendation of a book worth your time. You don’t have to buy the book or even read it. But we would encourage you to - in order to build a library of truth filled, God-glorifying and soul-enriching books.

This month’s book of the month is one that has stood the test of time - “The Glory of Christ” by John Owen. In line with the January 2 sermon from Colossians 1:15-20 regarding the preeminence of Christ, this book will flood your eyes with a vision of that very Jesus, whose glory can be seen in His preexistence, His humiliation on the cross and His exaltation following His resurrection. Whether you’ve resolved to read more in 2022 or you’re just looking for your next good book to read, pick this one up. It will be worth your time.

"Only a sight of his glory, and nothing else, will truly satisfy God's people” - John Owen

Purchase a copy of the book here.