February Book of the Month


This month’s book of the month falls in line with our 2022 spring class. If you’re participating in the spring class, you’ll need to purchase this book anyway, so why not get a head start on it, buy it now and start reading it this month? While today’s Christians have the blessing of a wealth of parenting books at our disposal, many of them are practice and strategy-oriented. They’re more “how to” than anything else. Paul David Tripp takes a different approach. He starts with the Gospel and says, “if the Gospel tells us that we’re fundamentally unable in our own strength to be the parents we need to be, we need to start somewhere other than "‘how to’”. So instead of giving a book full of tips, he supplies the reader with 14 fundamental principles, borne out of the Gospel, to help you to see yourself, your children and your task first and foremost through the lens of the One who has called you to be a parent in the first place. A massively encouraging and illuminating book, this month’s book of the month will be a sure bet to ground your heart and your parenting deeper into the soil of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Purchase a copy of the book here