Health & Safety Update


As COVID-19 continues to have its effects both within and outside the church, the pastoral team has a few updates to clarify our current response as a church:

  1. We’re asking for your cooperation. Please inform us if you’re sick. If you or someone in your household tests positive with COVID-19 or experiences a significant exposure to someone with the virus (within 6ft of them for 15min or more), please alert the pastoral team. We’ll help you to apply current CDC guidelines and discern next steps regarding your attendance at church gatherings. We’re also here to help meet any practical needs that could result from an experience of sickness or quarantine. With your cooperation, we’ll do our best to care for the church by limiting the spread of the virus in the congregation should any infections or exposures occur.

  2. We’re still meeting indoors. No changes have been made to our Sunday services. We're continuing to gather indoors, inside the Ebell Ballroom. Our small groups, men’s, and women’s meetings will also be carrying on without any changes or alterations at the moment.

  3. We’re praying for our neighbors and members. As COVID-19 cases increase and the pandemic continues to disrupt and affect day-to-day life, the pastoral team is praying for our neighbors and members who are being affected. We’re aware that the virus is continuing to make life difficult for our Santa Ana neighbors. We’re praying God would protect them and sustain their health and their hearts. We’re praying he’d continue to position our church to be a blessing to our neighborhood. We’re also aware that a general trend of increased COVID-19 cases could result in the effects of the pandemic hitting closer to home for our members. In this next season of the pandemic, we’re praying that God would sustain our church, protect our families, and provide the pastoral team with wisdom and discernment to respond to whatever developments occur.

If you have any questions, the pastoral team is available to discuss them with you. You can contact a pastor here.

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