Welcome And Pray For Emily

This week, we’ll have the pleasure of hosting Emily Jones. Emily hails from a Sovereign Grace church in Ohio and believes the Lord is calling her to serve Him someday in the country of Spain. She’s prayerfully considering how to best prepare for that eventuality and along with spending several months working at an orphanage in Mexico, would like to live and serve in a Spanish speaking context here in the United States prior to heading over to Europe. To get a taste of living in such a context, Emily will be visiting our city this week. She touches down on Thursday and leaves next Tuesday. Many in the church are already planning on having meals and going on outings with her. Whether or not you’re among them, would you pray for her time with us? Pray that the Lord would meet her and grant her clarity for her future. Pray that exposure to the people in our city would only intensify her desire to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

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