We've Hired Our First Full Time Pastor


After nearly four years of existence, we’ve been as financially conservative as possible. We’ve invested in our Sunday meeting space and in our neighborhood. We’ve purposefully and joyfully been an ordinary church. We’ve sought to fund what’s fruitful. Now the Lord has borne fruit, our church has grown and we believe the church needs more pastoral bandwidth to care for existing needs related to pastoral care and to continue the outward spread of the Gospel into our Santa Ana community. As a result, we’re thrilled to announce that Jeff Schlieder has accepted the offer to become Cross of Grace Santa Ana’s first full time staff pastor. He’ll be transitioning from his bivocational role to his full time role on Tuesday, July 6.

This will be the biggest stretch we’ve ever placed on our budget. But you have given sacrificially and joyfully until now and we believe that the Lord will provide through our shared commitment to the spread of the joy of Jesus in our neighborhood in this next season. Pray for Jeff and Taylor as they prepare to transition into this next season. Pray for the Lord to save Santa Anans through the onboarding of a full time pastor. Pray for members of our church to be even better cared for. Above all, praise God for His faithfulness to provide leaders, to satisfy us in Him and to bear fruit in our mission in the city of Santa Ana.

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