We Have A Shelter In The Storm


This Sunday we introduce a new song in our service: I Have A Shelter by Sovereign Grace Music. As we hear Sunday’s sermon on Acts 27:1-28:15, Paul’s shipwrecks and snakebites will remind us that following Jesus doesn’t exempt us from rough seas, but in fact, often leads us into stormy weather. Take time to listen and get familiar with this song so that we can celebrate Jesus, who is our unfailing shelter in the midst of the storms of life, by singing it together this Sunday.

I have a shelter in the storm
When troubles pour upon me
Though fears are rising like a flood
My soul can rest securely
O Jesus, I will hide in You
My place of peace and solace
No trial is deeper than Your love
That comforts all my sorrows

I have a shelter in the storm
When all my sins accuse me
Though justice charges me with guilt
Your grace will not refuse me
O Jesus, I will hide in You
Who bore my condemnation
I find my refuge in Your wounds
For there I find salvation

I have a shelter in the storm
When constant winds would break me
For in my weakness, I have learned
Your strength will not forsake me
O Jesus, I will hide in You
The One who bears my burdens
With faithful hands that cannot fail
You’ll bring me home to heaven

LatestJeff Schlieder