God Is At Work In Our Spring Class

We’re reversing babel & having a blast.

¡Bendiciones! ¡Dios esta trabajando en nuestra clase de la primavera! We’re two class sessions into our Spring 2021 Spanish Class and it has been a joy to experience men, women, and children of all skill levels coming together to learn Spanish. The class has been a blast! We’re learning, laughing, and loving one another as we’re being equipped to have more confident conversations with our Santa Ana neighbors. Our Spanish-speaking church members have worked hard to come prepared and teach us well (and maybe shake off the dust themselves), our Spanish-learners have confidently stepped into the unfamiliar, and we’ve all together united around the pursuit of a common language.

Babel: A common language divided by sin.

The gospel: uncommon languages united by the savior.

More than that, the class doesn’t just demonstrate that we’ve united around the pursuit of a common language, but that we’ve been united for the praise of a common Lord. We’re walking in the reality that, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female,” there is no English and Spanish-speaker, “for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:27-28). As we’ve been saying in the class, at Babel, there was a common language divided by sin, separating us from one another (Gen 11). Through the gospel, uncommon languages are united by the Savior who brings us back together (Acts 2).

If you’re not in the class, pray for us and ask your friends what they’re learning. If you are in the class, continue to let Sunday mornings and small group meetings serve as Spanish practice sessions. Would God be glorified through the remainder of our class as we grow in gospel love and unity and would he use the skills we learn to help us love our neighbors and lead them to the Lord who unites us all.

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