Welcome New Members


This past Sunday, we had the joy of acknowledging the commitment of seven fellow brothers and sisters to call Cross of Grace Santa Ana their home. These are people you’ve committed to practicing the “one anothers” of Scripture with and to intentionally build up through the Gospel.

As you celebrate this expression of God’s grace among us, read the touching testimony that Allie Brooks shared on Sunday:

My name is Allie Brooks. I was raised in a home in Nebraska with my parents, two brothers, and two sisters who all faithfully follow Jesus. I have known the Lord since as far as my memory goes back, but the age when I first remember seeking a relationship with Him for myself was around 12. I have experienced trials and trouble, and the everyday sufferings that we all experience. And through these times, he has always been with me. He has always been an ever present help in times of trouble. He is everything for me that I could never be myself. And he did for me what I never deserved- saving me through his death and resurrection.

I moved to Southern California in July last summer. I came to Cross of Grace the second week I was here. I was planning on trying out many other churches, but this one felt special. From the moment I arrived I was welcomed with warm smiles and caring conversations - which have never stopped since. I quickly knew that this was where I wanted to be and felt a deep peace from the Lord that this is where he wants me right now. I have been so blessed with so many meals, conversations and kind texts. It’s hard to express what this has meant and still means to me and my thanks to all of you for the way that you love others so well. This church has been a safe place for me in what has been a challenging and often lonely season of moving across the country away from everything I have ever known. Praise God for his work in this church and in our lives.

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