How To Pray For One Another This Week


Prayer is the power of the powerless. It’s the timeless privilege of the Church. Let’s seize the opportunity to bring the needs of our neighbors and one another before the One who holds all creation within His grasp. Here are some suggestions for how you can be praying this week:

  • Pray for the salvation of our Santa Ana neighbors

  • Pray for God’s Spirit to be powerfully present to help us apply the Gospel to one another’s lives at tomorrow’s small group meetings

  • Pray for those experiencing loss in any form

  • Pray for other churches in Santa Ana to honor God’s Word and to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • Pray for our shared efforts to resume children’s ministry on the 28th

  • Pray for the families who are expecting

  • Pray for those seeking employment

  • Pray for the Lord to strengthen marriages in the church in Christ and for those seeking marriage to a godly spouse

  • Pray for CGSA pastors to lead courteously, humbly and sacrificially as ungdershepherds of Christ

  • Pray for city, state and federal leaders to lead in wisdom and honor Christ the King in their decisions and actions

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