Pray for the 2021 Sovereign Grace Churches Pastors Conference


This week, Kyle and Jeff and their wives, Kelsey and Taylor, are attending the 2021 Sovereign Grace Churches Pastors Conference. This annual conference is a gathering of pastors, wives and other leaders and members from Sovereign Grace churches around the globe for the sake of edification, instruction, training and unity. The Houlton’s and Schlieder’s are also being joined by Jason Roenicke, along with Robert and Rosie Lopez. We hope God will meet us and work mightily, but in truth, we have no idea for what He’ll do, so we ask you to wait on God alongside us through prayer.

  • Pray for God to:

    • Deepen our commitment to His Word and His Gospel

    • Fill us with passion to continue in our shared mission of spreading the joy of Jesus in our respective cities

    • Bless YOU by what we learn and come away from this conference

    • Strengthen our family of churches, resulting in churches firmly established in the Gospel and new churches planted and rooted in the Gospel

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