Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room


This Sunday marks the start of the Advent season! A season that celebrates the “advent” or “coming” of Christ into the world. Over the course of the next 4 Sundays leading up to Christmas, we’ll prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas as we sing well-loved songs about the Savior of the world, see the glory of Christ shining through the pages of Scripture, and celebrate the fact that Jesus not only came once but is coming again!


We celebrate that Christ came into the world in fulfillment of God’s promises of old in order to accomplish our salvation. We long for the day he’ll come again to make all things new. During Advent, we look both backward and forward as we worship the One who came from heaven to earth and will one day come again to usher in the new heavens and earth.

As we prepare our hearts to enter into the Christmas season which is so full of so many wonderful things, would we prioritize the most wonderful of them all: Jesus Christ who was born for us. Prioritize the Christ of Christmas this Christmas season and prepare your heart to celebrate his birth by:

  • Studying the birth of Christ - As an individual or a family. Open up God’s word, study the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth, and walk through Advent devotional as you count down the days to Christmas. Here are a few suggested resources:

  • Singing the birth of Christ - Not just on Sunday mornings, but throughout the entire season! Fill your mind and heart with songs that celebrate the coming of Christ and sharpen your affections for him. Add the following to your Christmas mix:

  • Spending time with brothers and sisters in Christ - This Christmas season, prioritize Christ by prioritizing his people. Take advantage of our December “Fallow Month” by prioritizing fellowship with one another in the church. Use the times during the week we’d normally meet as a church to: go ice skating in the city, have a game night, host another family for dinner, or do whatever you enjoy with other members in the church.

  • Sharing the good news of the birth of Christ - Make your joy in Christ more full by sharing it with others. Pray for opportunities to share the good news of Christ’s birth with those in your life who have yet to receive him this Christmas season.

Join us for our Christmas Series, “Christ is Born for You,” as we behold the glory of the One who came to save us!

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