Messages from PasCon 2021 are Posted


The pastoral team came home from the Sovereign Grace Churches Pastors Conference with refreshed souls, as they were filled with a steady diet of Christ exalting singing and preaching.

While the link to all the messages can be found here, listed below are a few impactful sound bites from each of the messages.

Christ Preeminent by Jeff Purswell (Col. 1:15-20)

  • "Only in the person of Christ can God be truly known and genuinely encountered"

  • "Christ is pre-eminent. Yes, there are powers that work against Him, but there are no rivals to Him!"

  • "If your Gospel centrality does not magnify Christ above all things, then the Gospel is not your center"

  • "The most effective remedy against discouragement is a high Christology (a high view of Christ)"

  • "The very heartbeat of our assurance is the pre-eminence of Christ"

The Steadfast Savior and His Beloved Servants by Jon Payne (2 Tim. 4:9-18)

  • "Our steadfast Savior can make a jail more beautiful than a palace; the reproaches of Christ far greater than the riches of Egypt" - Bunyan

  • "Suffering for the sake of Christ creates a bond with other believers in your church and across salvation history" - Kostenberger

Our Prowling Adversary by CJ Mahaney (1 Pet. 5:8-9)

  • "The most sinister thoughts Satan inserts into our minds are not enticements to sin, but doubts and suspicions about God"

  • "When we resist Satan by remaining firm in Christ, Satan will flee - not because he is afraid of us, but because he is terrified of the one our faith looks to - Jesus Christ!

  • "By becoming a Christian, you walked into a war. Every day you awake, you should remember that there is a vicious dark battle being waged over your soul. Satan is busy" - Christopher Ash

  • "(In reference to the fact that Satan exists and is active) "It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations if you live near him" - Tolkien

The Grace of Partnership by Jared Mellinger (2 Cor. 8:1-23)

  • "Partnership in the Gospel is centrally connected to progress in the Gospel" - Schnabel

  • "Individually, one church can accomplish little. But together, we become a weapon terrible to behold arrayed against the foes of God"


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