CA Celebration is Tomorrow! Here's How You Can Prepare

It’s here. The 2021 CA Celebration Retreat. Many in our church will be heading up the mountain to Idyllwild, CA to gather with our sister churches Sovereign Grace Pasadena and Sovereign Grace Church of Orange for a weekend of substantive Biblical teaching, fellowship and rest. Whether you will be attending or not, there are several ways we can prepare for this weekend.


  • Remember to eat dinner before leaving or on your way up to the retreat

  • Carpool with each other and make the journey up the mountain part of the weekend experience

  • Registration begins at 4:00pm and the first session begins at 7:00pm

  • The address is 55251 South Circle Dr., Idyllwild, CA 92549

  • For further details and questions, see the email you received from Melissa Goins with the subject line titled “Celebration CA: Registrant Information” or email Liz Madrigal at


  • There will be no Sunday service at Cross of Grace Santa Ana, so encourage another gospel preaching church in Santa Ana by attending one of their services on Sunday. It’s probably been a long time since you’ve been a guest at another church. Go and be reminded of what that’s like and use that reminder to better serve guests of our church.


  • Pray that God would begin to fill our hearts with anticipation and excitement for what He will accomplish through Celebration CA.

  • Pray that God will bless all of those who are already serving us by preparing, making plans, and gathering gear.

  • Pray that God uses Celebration Kids to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of our children.

  • Pray that the pastors who are preaching the 4 main sessions will be filled with the Spirit as they prepare and deliver their messages.

  • Pray that unbelievers among us would come to know Christ, repent of their sins, and begin to follow Jesus.

  • Pray that our churches would grow deeper in their love for one another and experience deeper unity.

  • Pray that we would grow in our love for California and the mission God has given us to reach Californians with the gospel.

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