We Served Our Homeless Neighbors



Last week, members of one of our small groups partnered with the Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM) Chili Van to serve a hot meal and extend the love of Jesus toward our Santa Ana neighbors experiencing homelessness. Here’s how it went:

  • We met at the Santiago Creek Trail parking lot off of Memory Lane. An OCRM staff named Andre loaded up the van with 8 catering pans of chili, backpacks, hygiene kits and all the supplies we needed and then met us there at the parking lot.

  • At 6pm, we split off into two groups - one walking east on the trail and one west - looking for homeless individuals or groups to invite to come to the orange van for a bowl of chili.

  • After 30 minutes, we reconvened at the van and people started flowing in. In total, we were there for 3 hours and we served about 35 people.

  • Almost everybody who came for a meal stayed for a conversation; many didn’t leave until we left. Their vulnerability and openness to prayer surprised most in the group. We were able to pray, share the Gospel and have meaningful conversations with a couple dozen individuals, in addition to inviting them to seek assistance at the Rescue Mission and to join us for church on Sunday morning.

Would you pray for the men and women we met? Would you also pray for our other small group outreach efforts? May God continue to move us “back to the city” and spread the joy of Jesus through Cross of Grace Santa Ana.

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