Welcoming Our Newest Members


In Ephesians 4:25, Paul says that we are one body, yet “members one of another.” Church membership is so much more “membership in a club,” it’s a sincere expression of commitment to the people around you. The Bible is full of “one anothers” - commands toward believers to act in godliness toward other people. What Scripture makes clear is that these “others” refer to a specific group of people and not all people generally. These others are the men and women identified in a particular local church. As members of Cross of Grace Santa Ana, we have the privilege of living out the Christian life with one another. We celebrate and grieve with one another. We build deep relationship with one another. We join arms to advance the joy of Jesus in a particular neighborhood with one another. We help one another pursue holiness. We remind one another of the sweetness of the gospel.

In light of this, we praise God for the new members, Lana Chea, Cordell & Marina Warm, we had the joy of introducing this last Sunday. Be encouraged by what new member, Lana, had to share with us during the new member testimony:

I grew up attending church, but it was not until college that I began to ask what I truly believe. Through church and college friends, I became a believer and became active in college ministry.

However, a few years after college, I started to feel a lack of genuine community, despite my regular church attendance. Just as I was about to search for a new church, the pandemic struck, which made it difficult to get to know a church. After visiting several churches in Orange County, I found that few met my three primary criteria: Christ-centered and practical preaching, the Word lived out, and a genuine community.

Cross of Grace met all these criteria. In fact, from my very first visit, I knew Cross of Grace would be my new church home. I recall chatting with Jared and Tracie Oda both before and after the service. They even invited me to join them and several others for lunch, and to my surprise, I agreed. I’ve had the privilege of attending small groups and one-on-one hang outs, and I am continually amazed by everyone’s heart for the Lord. I thank God and each of you at Cross of Grace for welcoming me. It’s evident that the Lord is doing a good work in me and through each person at this church. I look forward to serving the Santa Ana community alongside my brothers and sisters and contributing to the church.

We look forward to joining our new members in spreading the joy of Jesus in Downtown Santa Ana!

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