How You Can Pray This Week


As we heard in the new year’s sermon, prayer is one of the greatest tools and weapons at our disposal. Even when we feel we might have nothing, we still have access to the throne of the Lord and Creator of all things, who acts on behalf of those He loves in power. Why wouldn’t we pray? Here are a few topics of prayer to guide your prayers this week.

  1. Pray for the leaders of our city, state and nation (1 Tim. 2:1-2) as unrest continues to prevail and the inauguration of a new president is on the horizon.

  2. Pray for those in our city who are experiencing new or perpetuating stress financially, familial or otherwise.

  3. Pray for courage for one another in accordance with last week’s sermon from Acts 13-14 - courage in the midst of trials, courage to spread the joy of Jesus to our neighbors, courage to be ambassadors for Jesus in a world opposed to Him.

  4. Pray that the result of such courage would be the reduction of grumbling and complaining in our hearts, no matter the situation (Phil. 2:14)

  5. Pray that the Gospel would be demonstrated and proclaimed through baptism this Sunday

  6. Pray for our Zoom small group meetings on Friday night - that the Lord would meet us and do a work among us by His Spirit in the virtual setting.

  7. Pray for any who receive a positive covid test or who are needing to quarantine as a result of exposures.

  8. Pray daily for your spouse, your children, your roommates and those closest to you.

  9. Pray for the requests of individuals who have shared them on our church Slack prayer channel. If you have questions about how to be added to this, email


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