The Gospel Made Visible


This past Sunday, we had the joy and privilege of witnessing the profession of faith of Rob and Haiyan through baptism. They were each immersed in water and raised up from it, reflecting the rhythms of the sacrificial work of Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection (Col. 2:12). It’s an outward work of obedience that reflects an inward reality that has been achieved by grace through faith in Jesus. Celebrate with Rob and Haiyan by reading excerpts from their testimonies below:


Seven years ago I had something happen to me that would change my life forever. This change set me into a deep dark depression that I didn’t know how to get out of. I looked to many places for help including doctors, medications, professional counseling, friends, and family. After years and months of struggling with my thoughts and my health, there seemed to be no end to my struggles.

Until one day, my wife and I went to the Orange County fair. While we were walking through the vendor section where they sell different crafts and merchandise. An old man in his 70’s or 80’s was standing in the middle of aisle handing out small pocket size bibles. I approached this man and he handed me a bible, this is where things got a little blurry for me. I think he asked me if would accept the lord Jesus Christ as my savior, but I was stunned by the bold strong conviction of his eyes.

Ever since that night I’ve been reading the bible, attending church, listening to others preach the gospel, and listening Christian music. I have had many struggles along the way and asked God, through His Spirit, to convert my worldly life into a godly life. During this time, I have learned more about life and myself that no doctor or medication can fix. I believe I have started to find my way only to realize this is the only true way to know my true self. My old self is behind me, along with my past and everything that happened in it.

I want nothing more to grow closer with god through Jesus. I look forward to my relationship with the Lord and want to continue to grow in his wisdom and grace.


I came from China ten years ago. I had never been exposed to Christianity before I came to America. We only know Christianity is about believing in Jesus Christ. My life revolved around family, kids, and work.

After coming to the United States, the first few years were about making money and living for myself. I never thought that one day, I would believe in God. I met friends that would ask me “Do you believe in God?“ I replied “no”, I only believe in myself.

One day my husband ask me if I wanted to go to church. I was very curious, because I have never been to church before. I was very excited to go but I didn’t know what to expect. Going to church was the first time I had seen people sing songs, pray together and listen to the preachers sermon. 

After a few visits to church my husband bought me a Bible in Chinese and English. He told me it was a good book and I could learn about Jesus and study English at the same time. Every Friday morning I learn English with the bible with a Bible class on Zoom. The teacher is from Hong Kong and many students are from all over the country. I’m starting to learn many good words and more about jesus.

I would like to be baptized today to confess that my heart has been opened to God’s love, and that I have believed in Jesus to forgive my sins and be my Savior.

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