How to Pray for Your Bothers & Sisters this Week


Keep sending us your prayer requests. We’ll keep sharing them (anonymously) and share other suggestions for how you can be praying during the week. It’s important to know how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season.

  1. Pray for the message of Jesus to pervade the local and national discussion on race and create reconciliation.

  2. Pray that as the local church, our community would see a kind of unity between people of different ethnicities not seen anywhere else in our society.

  3. Pray for those continuing to experience financial hardship in the midst of a slow economy.

  4. Pray for parents and children who are working to make remote school as effective as possible.

  5. Pray for the Lord to continue to work through our preaching series in Acts.

  6. Pray that God would give us opportunities to preach the Gospel to our neighbors and that He would mercifully save them.

  7. Pray that God would bless the Ebell Club and the personnel who manage it and have served us well for these past few months.

  8. Pray for those in seasons of transition.

  9. Pray for the requests of individuals who have shared them on our church Slack prayer channel. If you have questions about how to be added to this, email


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