Member's Meeting Recap

Our Second Member’s Meeting Is in the Books

On Sunday we held our twice-annual church member’s meeting. Though it was our second meeting, it was our first time hosting this meeting online and in the midst of a pandemic. Thank you to those that joined us and gave up a bit of your Sunday afternoon to learn about what has been going on in the life of the church for the past 6 months and what we hope and expect the Lord to do in and through us during these next 6 months.

Below are just a few things we discussed:

  • SGSA Neighbor Relief Fund Update

  • COVID Ministry Team Updates

  • Loving our DTSA/French Park neighbors

  • Future Ministry Vision

  • Jeff Schlieder’s Ordination Process

  • Civil Disobedience - When and How?

Thanks to all who participated. If you have any questions whatsoever regarding the members meeting or would like a hard or digital copy of the agenda, you can email us at

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