How to Pray this Week


Keep sending us your prayer requests. We’ll keep sharing them (anonymously) and share other suggestions for how you can be praying during the week. It’s important to know how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season.

  1. Pray for those continuing to be financially challenged through this COVID-19 season.

  2. Pray for students, teachers and parents as the remote fall semester begins.

  3. Pray for parents with young children as they seek to worship the Lord on Sundays without the assistance of children’s ministry.

  4. Pray for our children’s ministry leaders and volunteers for creativity in how we might be able to serve the parents and small children.

  5. Pray for the sustaining and fruit of our men’s and women’s meetings.

  6. Pray for those making transitions and big decisions during this period.

  7. Pray for God to work mightily through His Spirit during the current preaching series in Acts.

  8. Pray for unity, wisdom, patience and grace toward one another as we enter into election season. Pray also for those in authority over us.

  9. Pray for the salvation of our neighbors in DTSA and French Park who don’t know Christ.

  10. Pray for the requests of individuals who have shared them on our church Slack prayer channel. If you have questions about how to be added to this, email


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