Sunday Morning Updates

Singing or No Singing, We Worship The Lord

Last week, Governor Newsom issued some updates to California’s COVID-19 Industry Guidance for places of worship. It is now required that all singing during worship services be discontinued.

Beginning this past Sunday, we as a church will be complying with this order. We understand that some may disagree with this decision and that’s ok so long as we’re able to hold our differing opinions humbly and respectfully. While we won’t be singing during the duration of the existence of this order, we’ll be worshipping together in other ways - through the corporate confession of God’s Word through Scripture readings and responsive readings of historic confessions, creeds and catechisms.

Rather than lamenting this temporary period without singing, we’re seeing this as an opportunity from the Lord to worship Him together by proclaiming His Truth in a different way.

If you have any questions regarding how we are responding to COVID-19, you can read our meeting guidelines here or email us at

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