July Book of the Month

The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

El Progreso del Peregrino por John Bunyan

July’s book of the month is The Pilgrim’s Progress  by John Bunyan. This summer as we walk together through a series concerning “Waiting on God in the Wilderness”, we’d encourage you to read this book.

A Book About The Christian’s Journey Through Life In A Fallen World

This book is a story. It’s an allegorical story, which means that the characters, places and events represent a bigger reality. What reality? The reality of the Christian’s journey through life in a fallen world. This book was written many centuries ago and has stood the test of time because of its resonance and application of the Gospel for Christians in any Era. So, fellow wilderness wanderer, pick up a copy in English or Spanish and make sure this gets on your 2020 summer reading list.

Purchase the book in English here.

Purchase the book in Spanish here.