Read Through the Book of Acts - Again


We’ve spent the past six months observing and learning about the timeless traits of the Church, the Holy Spirit carrying the message of the Gospel through Jesus’ witnesses and the early church growing from infancy into the mature body Jesus intended it to be.

Acts is a long book - 28 chapters - and we still have 13 to go. You’ll be helped if you have some fresh familiarity with it; if you reread the first 15 chapters for context and the latter 13 chapters to prepare for what’s ahead. We’d encourage you to take the next few weeks to read through Acts. If you simply read two chapters every day, you will finish by mid-February.

Bookmark This Post And Read Two Chapters A Day

To make this task easier for you, below we’ve broken up the book of Acts into two-chapter segments. Bookmark this post and come back each day to read the chapters for that day.

Day 1: Acts 1 & 2

Day 2: Acts 3 & 4

Day 3: Acts 5 & 6

Day 4: Acts 7 & 8

Day 5: Acts 9 & 10

Day 6: Acts 11 & 12

Day 7: Acts 13 & 14

Day 8: Acts 15 & 16

Day 9: Acts 17 & 18

Day 10: Acts 19 & 20

Day 11: Acts 21 & 22

Day 12: Acts 23 & 24

Day 13: Acts 25 & 26

Day 14: Acts 27 & 28

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