Lift Your Brothers & Sisters Up in Prayer

As We Prepare to Meet Together Again, Spend Time Praying For One Another

Keep sending us your prayer requests. We’re so used to knowing one another’s needs through experiencing regular fellowship. While the state begins to open up and we are able to meet in person again, we still want be lifting our brothers and sisters up in prayer. It’s important to know how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season. Here are the prayer requests from this past week (anonymity is maintained):

  1. Praise the Lord with those who are celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision to continue the DACA program

  2. Pray for Reunion Sunday- that the Lord would bring new visitors from the neighborhood to our church. Pray for health & safety as we meet together again.

  3. Pray for racial unity in our city

  4. Pray for the Lord to use the preaching of the Word through the series “Waiting on God in the Wilderness” to grant us perspective, hope, conviction and to see the mighty hand of God at work in the wildernesses we walk through.

  5. Pray for the Men in Our Church- Father’s day is this Sunday. Pray for strength and endurance in the middle of fatherhood. Pray for comfort for those who are longing to be fathers.

  6. Pray for the requests of individuals who have shared them on our church Slack prayer channel. If you have questions about how to be added to this, email


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