In-Person Sunday Gathering Guidelines


As we joyfully look forward to returning to meeting in person, we want to clearly communicate the process and procedures by which we will do so. We will be following the  health and safety guidelines established by the state of California. The following are the specific measures that we’re asking you to observe as we together abide by the best practices for health and safety:

  1. Please stay at home if you are sick, may be experiencing COVID symptoms, or may have been in contact with anyone who is experiencing COVID symptoms. Also, if you are not quite ready to join in a large group again or are at high-risk for the virus, you can remain at home and participate in the service via live-stream.

  2. Social Distancing will be in effect. Each family will be seated 6 feet away from others while in service  We also strongly suggest that all individuals avoid physical contact with other families, keep socializing to a minimum while indoors, and to not linger in common areas.

  3. Limited time indoors - except for scheduled Sunday volunteers, all Sunday attendees will be allowed into the building minutes before 10:00am and encouraged to vacate the building as soon as the service concludes. Socializing may resume once you have left the building, but please continue to observe social distancing

  4. Face Masks- Masks are recommended at all times and required during singing and when 6-feet of social distance cannot be maintained from those in your household. Young children under the age of two, do not need to wear a mask. 

  5. Wash or Sanitize your hands regularly.

  6. No Children’s Ministry. We will not have any programs available for children. We will, however, provide an in-service activity for children to do while they sit with their families. The Nursing Mother’s room will be open for mothers in need.

  7. We ask that you do not bring any food or beverages inside the Ebell Club (with the exception of water). The best bet is to plan on eating/drinking prior to or after service. You can grab a great cup of coffee and a delicious pastry across the parking lot at Hidden House Coffee!

  8. Resources- Our normal resource table will not be out and available, but if you are looking for a particular resource you can ask a pastor for more information. 

  9. Giving- We will continue to offer online giving and text-to-give options, as well as having an offering box available for cash or check offerings. 

  10. Communion- On Sundays when we take Communion, we will utilize single-serving pre-packaged communion elements. 

  11. Singing- We will be singing on Sunday mornings and ask that everyone wear a mask while singing. 

  12. Please keep in mind these “Ebell House Rules” as well: 

    1. Park in the parking lot off of 718 Mortimer- next to Hidden House Coffee

    2. No eating or drinking in the theater.

    3. Please keep a close eye on children- the Ebell Club is beautifully decorated and we want to be good stewards of this space and love the Ebell well. 

    4. No playing/ walking on the courtyard grass area. 

For now, these are the guidelines we are following. We're re-evaluating as we go. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we learn how to do this.

Contact the church office at with any questions or concerns. 

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