We Thank God for Moms

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" - 1 Thess 5:18

This Sunday, we will gather to hear God's word proclaimed and learn about 1 Thess 5:18. God commands us to be grateful in all circumstances. This Sunday, as we gather we will also be celebrating the mom's in our lives and wishing them a happy Mother's Day. 

We are grateful for mom's in all circumstances because their care for their families is constant in all circumstances. In good times, hard times, and even pandemics, the mothers in our lives care for their families and exemplify the love, compassion, and service of Christ.

So as we thank God in all circumstances for the literally millions of things he is doing - all of them working for good for his people - we take care to give a special thanks for the mothers he has placed in our lives.

Join us for our livestream service this Sunday at 10:30am to learn what it means to "give thanks in all circumstances" and how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes that a possibility and have a Happy Mother's Day!

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