Be Choosy About What You Read During This Pandemic

Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper

Coronavirus y Cristo  por John Piper

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). It is not required that you purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

“Our Words Are Grass. God’s Word is Granite.”

May’s book of the month is “Coronavirus and Christ” by John Piper. If you’ve ever read a book by John Piper, you’ll find that this book says very little that’s new - you’ll find the essential message that “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him”. He tells you the Gospel that you need to hear. He directs you to God’s Word and reminds you of your purpose for living. This book is different only in that He directs you to God’s Word in your experience of the Coronavirus and helps us to consider God’s redemptive purposes in the midst of the specific life-defining moment. Far from being a “seen that, read that” book, this is a book you need to read. The best news? It’s free.

We Have a Hard Copy For Each of You, Courtesy of DesiringGod

Download the book for free in English here.

Purchase the hardcopy of the book in English here.

Download the book for free in Spanish here.